Due to popular demand I will shortly be commencing my fourth high yield portfolio on the main Motley Fool site which people may be surprised to learn I’m going to call HYP4. As with HYP3, I intend to construct it by adding one new share each month. Thus both HYPs 3 and 4 differ from 1 and 2 in that the latter two, being my earliest attempts, were constructed by acquiring all the shares at once whereas 3 and 4 were and will be built up monthly.
Does it matter whether the shares of an HYP are bought in one go or at periodic intervals? I dunno really. It’s hard to establish any kind of proof either way. People shouldn’t think that because I built HYPs 3 and 4 monthly this means I necessarily believe instalments must be the right way to do it. Similarly 1 and 2 being invested outright at the start doesn’t mean that I believe that is the right way to go either….