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Motley Fool: The Four Types Of Insurance Fraudster

Motor, home contents and travel insurance fraud costs insurance firms more than £1bn per year. in turn, this costs us, as insurers charge more in premiums to cover the loss. Conservative figures have it that 6% of us have exaggerated a claim and 2% have made one up, which, according to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), means that around 3.3m people have committed insurance fraud in Britain.

It doesn’t matter what our incomes are, we’re all equally likely to commit insurance fraud. However, there are other characteristics that distinguish typical fraudsters, as research from the ABI reveals. The profiles are so consistent that I could even write my own gangster film based on the four stereotypical fraudsters plus the hero: the good guy. As far as I understand it, any good film idea starts with the characters, so here goes:…

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