Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

More Worrying About Petrol Price Rises

Portrait of a past-it petrol pump

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only person in the UK stressing about petrol price rises.

This data from internet monitor Hitwise shows how the number of searches for petrol prices have increased to an all-time high as prices have hit a high too.

It’s interesting that people are appear to be searching for information on European petrol prices – as the data I talked about a few days ago showed, our European neighbours are also suffering from high prices, many with similar levels to ourselves. Those of us in the Midlands seem to be the most concerned by the rises – perhaps it’s because we have the longest distances to drive to our favourite holiday resorts?! (OK, that’s the first reason that came into my head, but you never know).

Of course, as well as the petrol savings tips that many of us are trotting out at the moment, another way of paying less for your fuel is by using, which will find you the cheapest filling stations in your area.

photo credit: Éamonn

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