Well, it’s been a little quiet round here, but for quite good reason. I recently took a break in Prague, and ended up getting engaged! Had a great break, Prague is a lovely city – very busy, but lots to see, but we had a great time.
I’ll no doubt be talking a little about weddings (and particularly the cost, saving money on wedding etc) in the coming months – in the meantime, here are a few interesting posts from the last couple of weeks:
- Paying for weddings – a timely post from Plonkee on the issues surrounding paying for your wedding.
- Also from Plonkee, check out the first posts from her series on fixing your finances, save money step 1 and step 2.
- Remember I talked about going to live in Venezuala if you wanted cheap petrol? Money Saving blog looked at the 5 most expensive and 5 least expensive countries for petrol in the world.
- Prague is pretty good for cheap beer, but here are some tips for getting beer for less than £1 per pint.