Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

Turning Your Hobby Into Extra Income

Looking after your personal finances is essentially very simple; spend less than you earn, and you won’t go too far wrong.

But if you’re finding things tough and need extra money, there are two ways to achieve this; saving money wherever you can, or earning more, and one of the best and most satisfying ways to earn more is by turning your hobby into a job.

I’ve done it – building websites was something I learned in my sapre time at University, it’s a skill that can be used in many ways, and eventually led to me starting this blog. Whilst this blog doesn’t earn me much money, the skills learned can be used to build sites for others for a fee – some nice added income for me.

A friend of mine recently decided to turn her photography hobby into a new income source by becoming a wedding photographer. It’s something she’s enjoyed doing for a while, but now she’d like to earn some extra income, it makes sense for her to  earn money doing something she loves.

Here are a few other random ideas for turning a hobby into extra income:

One quick word of warning: make sure you’re paying any necessary tax on your earnings if you start earning from your hobby.

Have you turned your hobby into an extra source of income? Or do you have a hobby you’d like to make money from but aren’t sure how to? Let us know in the comments and we’ll try to help out with a few ideas.

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