Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

Are You Insured For Bonfire Night?

Bonfire Green Night Bisley

If you’re planning on having your own bonfire night in your back garden this weekend, it’s worth checking your insurance to make sure you’re covered in the event anything goes wrong. 

Despite the growing popularity of organised bonfire nights and firework displays, which is largely down to cost and safety, it is estimated that nearly 3 million people are planning to have a bonfire night party at their own homes.

Party organisers have a legal requirement to maintain a “duty of care”, even if it’s only a small get together, and in the event of an accident, it could result in an insurance claim, so you should check on your policy for personal liability.

Of course, as mentioned above, probably the cheapest, easiest and safest way to enjoy bonfire night is to attend a professionally organised event – many local councils will be putting on a display, so check with them in the first instance.

For more information, read our Bonfire Night Insurance Tips.

photo credit: chris.loxton

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