Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

New Book: How To Survive The Credit Crunch

The folks over at ThisIsMoney have expanded from the web and moved into books, having published a new book, How To Survive The Credit Crunch.

The book is a humourous look at how we can save money and get out of debt:

Britain is in trouble! Households are struggling to cope with record levels of debt, rising and the soaring cost of food, heating and transport. But it is not all gloom and doom. With characteristic good humour, financial guru and accidental environmentalist Richard Browning, of the award-winning website, explains that while we’ve all become embroiled in this global mess, there are simple changes that everyone of us can make to save money, reduce debt…and maybe even save the planet in the process!

If I can get my hands on a copy, I’ll review it here. I’ll also hopefully be looking at some more personal finance books in the run up to Christmas.

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