Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

“Should I Buy It?” Flowchart

Ever find yourself deliberating long and hard over a purchase, or are you an impulse buyer who can’t keep your wallet in your pocket when you see something you want?

If you fall into the latter category, then you might find it worthwhile taking a look at the “Should I Buy It?” flowchart on Lifehacker:

OK, so as comprehensive flowchart,  it falls down on several levels (just have a read through of the comments to see why), but for a certain set of impulsive spenders, as mentioned above, it may help to go through the steps to decide whether you really need to spend the money or not.

One other trick to curb over-spending is the 24 hour rule. If you want something, but can delay the purchase of it by 24 hours, then the likelihood of you buying it greatly diminish.

How do you stop yourself from making impulse purchases? Let us know in the comments below.

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