Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

Debt-free Christmas

With less than a week to go before Christmas, it’s likely that many of our budgets have already been squeezed by our seasonal spending.

photo credit: alancleaver_2000

Covering the cost of the festive season isn’t always easy, and with so many expenses to take into account – from gifts and decorations to food and drink – it can be tempting to borrow a bit of extra cash to give our budget a boost.

However, there are some ways you could do your final bits of Christmas shopping without overspending and going into debt.

Let’s look at some helpful tips for staying debt-free this December.

Tips for a debt-free Christmas

You could avoid getting into debt this Christmas by:

Are you already repaying debts?

Christmas can be a particularly tight time for those people already repaying debts. It’s important that anyone currently repaying debts makes sure that they budget for their monthly repayments – on top of all their other living costs – and take steps to repay everything they owe sooner rather than later. In general, the sooner you repay a debt, the less interest you’ll pay (although some debts can’t be repaid earlier than agreed, or will charge a fee if they are).

If you’re having problems keeping on top of your monthly debt repayments, it’s important to get professional advice. You may be able to arrange a new repayment programme – such as a debt management plan – that could allow you to repay your debts at an affordable pace. Alternatively, there may be another debt approach suitable for you – so you can repay your debts realistically and get your finances back into shape.

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