Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

Financial Times “FastFT”: 24hr Financial Commentary

The Financial Times has launched a new tool called FastFT which provides 24 hour financial news and commentary.

The Twitter-like subscriber-only content will be produced by a team of journalists in New York, London and Hong Kong, together with guest writers and other FT journalists. It will be updated 24 hours a day, Monday to Friday.

The Next Web has taken a look at the tool:

The idea behind FastFT is that it doesn’t replace its existing reportage, merely it sits alongside its news, blogs, columns, videos and so on. Given it works across mobile too, it will probably appeal specifically to those on the move and it does bring additional value beyond simply following an FT Twitter feed. It doesn’t link through to articles, everything is presented within the feed.

Here’s a promo video for FastFT:

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