Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

Pennies: New Budgeting iPhone App

This week sees the release of a stylish new budgeting app for iPhone. The developers of Pennies believe that budgeting should be really simple, and the app aims to have you up and running in seconds. They’ve also done away with graphs and charts, with a use of colours to indicate your “spending health”.

Pennies Features

Spending Health

Should you spend or should you save? Pennies shows your spending and finance health with bold colours, helping you slow down or speed up to keep you on track.

Super Simple

Made a purchase? Sweet, just add it in. Pennies only cares about the numbers, no tags, charts or complex breakdowns here. Just the amount of money you have to spend is all you need to know.

Daily Targets

Clever & fun to use. Pennies does all the hard work for you by telling you how much you have to spend today. If you spend less, no worries, Pennies will give you more money to spend tomorrow.

Multiple Budgets

Set up as many repeatable budgets as you like – have more than one budget that you want to keep on top of? No problem, Pennies has got you covered.

One-off Budgets

Taking a trip or refurbishing your home? Create budgets in a matter of seconds. Just tell Pennies how much you want to spend, over how long and in what currency and you are good to go!

Friendly Reminders

Sometimes we forget when we spend – that’s OK. Pennies will remind you to track your finances and outgoings with friendly reminders.

Future Updates

Additional Features & Tips


Here’s a selection of screenshots from the Pennies app. Click on an image to see a larger version.

Opening screen:


Budget remaining for the day:

Add a transaction:

View your transaction history:

View budgets:

Here’s a video of the app in action:

Pennies is available on the App Store from October 9th 2014 for just $1.99 / £1.49 / €1,79, and is designed for iPhone and iPod touch. Pennies requires iOS 7.0 or newer, and will be available in the U.S, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, UK, South Africa and the UAE.

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