Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

Money4Gold Still Holding On To Your Gold

UPDATE: not long after this post was published, we started getting reports of gold finally being returned. Read the latest comments on this article for more details.

The Money4Gold saga continues, with more and more disgruntled gold sellers complaining that there’s no sign of their gold being sent back, despite some receiving several assurances from the company that it is on its way (and definitely not  half way across the Atlantic to be melted down in a U.S. foundry).

Conspiracy theorists might suggest that they’re holding onto the gold as the price rises in the hope they can give an increased offer to sellers and build in some extra margin for themselves.

This sort of company has been going for quite a while in the U.S., and has possibly got itself a bit of a reputation, helping to spawn a number of spoof ads on Youtube, including this one:

And here’s an official U.K. Money4Gold ad:

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