Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

I Will Teach You To Be Rich: Book Launched

Ramit Sethi has been blogging about personal finance since 2004, and is currently one of the most interesting writers on the subject.

He’s now turned his hand to book writing, and today sees the release of “I Will Teach You to Be Rich“, which aims to help you figure out where all your money is going, and crucially where you want it to go:

I Will Teach You To Be Rich is about taking the first step – understanding the barriers that keep us from managing our money – and then tearing them down and putting our money in the right places so we can achieve our goals. Frankly, your goal probably isn’t to become a financial expert. It’s to live your life and let your money serve you.

The book sets out a 6-week personal finance programme, and is aimed at 20 to 35 year olds, and having only read the introduction, it looks like it will be a very useful and interesting read, and at just £9.84 on, it will probably pay for itself in no time at all. To get a good flavour of the book, you might want to check out a few of the excerpts that Ramit has kindly released to give you a taster.

I’ll try to post a more comprehensive review when I’ve had chance to read the full book, which should be winging its way to me in the next few days.

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