Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

My Resolution For 2010 Plus Ideas On Making & Keeping Yours

No Resolutions 2010

After several years of resolution failure, this year I have decided on just one New Year’s Resolution: I’m making no resolutions.

That’s right, I’ve conceded defeat already and decided not to make any resolutions, as I’ve never managed to keep them before, so what’s going to be different this year?

Rather than seeing this as a defeatist attitude, I’m actually finding it to be quite refreshing – I’m not fretting over sticking to some rediculous diet, or more relevantly to this blog, tracking my spending meticulously to see where I can save money. I already know that I need to lose weight and save money, these are things that I always need to do, not just because the year has changed from 09 to 1o, and it doesn’t last just for January (or more likely, the first couple of weeks in January).

So this year, I have no resolutions, just an understanding that I need to keep doing the same stuff I’ve always tried to do.

This probably isn’t the best strategy for achieving goals, and if you have your own resolution and want some tips to help you achieve them, have a read of these tips at Monevator.

And here are some ideas for specific, achievable goals you may want to have a go at:

Some further reading:

photo credit: katerha

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