Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

First Direct On Facebook

first direct on Facebook

Internet bank first direct has launched a new Facebook page (, continuing its trend for engaging with customers and prospects on the popular social networks.

At first direct we’re constantly looking for new ways to have conversations with our fans. Not just about banking, but about all the other fabulous things in life. So, we’re using Facebook to do just that. Keep checking back for updates on all sorts of things that we like and that we think you’ll like too!

By “Liking” the first direct Facebook page, you will get updates from them in your Facebook timeline, including any topics they’re discussing or competitions they launch.

They’re keen to dissuade customers from talking about their accounts in full view of other Facebook users, which is a good call, but otherwise, they’re trying to get interaction by posting about a range of topics, not all to do with banking.

Paul Say, first direct’s head of marketing, explained what their Facebook page was all about:

‘first direct was founded on the idea that we should engage with our customers in the way that they want to engage with us. 21 years ago that meant being open and on the phone 24/7, then it was Internet Banking, mobile phones, apps, twitter and now it’s via Facebook. The common factor is that it’s the people that matter, not the channel.

‘Of course social media is a challenging environment especially for old fashioned banking organisations who are having to break down the barriers to conversation, but in the end we find that the more we can interact with our customers the more we are able to build trust between both parties.’

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