Tesco Delay Further Banking Changes

Tesco bank

Following its botched move of online systems from RBS to its own in-house platform this summer, Tesco Bank has decided to delay further integration until the new year.

Earlier this year, Tesco started to move over their savings and loans customers onto their own systems, having previously been held on Royal Bank of Scotland’s platform. Because of problems with the integration, some customers were unable to access their online accounts.

In the next stage, mortgage and current account customers will be moved, and Tesco are hoping that giving it some extra time and thought will end up in a smoother transition.

We’ve recently seen other banks face integration problems with Halifax and Royal Bank of Scotland account holders finding that they only had limited access to their account history. In both these instances, not online have clients had trouble accessing their accounts, but the problems were exacerbated by poor customer service as call centres were swamped with anxious customers trying to find out what was going on or make urgent transactions.

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