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Tag: Banks
UK Consumers “Sceptical” About Benefits of Digital-Only Banks

New digital-only banks seeking to break into the UK market will find the acquisition of customers a slow and challenging process, as consumers remain unconvinced that pure digital banks offer significant benefits over traditional rivals.
Barclays Top Bank On Facebook

According to research from Sotrender, Barclays UK is the top bank/building society on Facebook, based on the number of fanpage likes.
Fraud Warning For Bank Customers On Twitter

The Express has a warning for bank customers who use Twitter to vent their frustration at service problems: watch out for scammers trying to get your banking details.
UK Banks On Twitter
Over the past couple of days I’ve had the chance to test out some big banks’ responsiveness to being contacted on Twitter.
We Still Love Our Banks, Apparently
A survey for the BBC has found that despite masses of complaints against banks, high-profile court cases against them and blame for causing the credit crunch, most of us are still happy with the service we receive from our banks.
Student Accounts Reviewed
If you’re currently preparing for University and are wondering which student bank account to sign up to, it’s worth reading the best student account reviews from the Student Finance blog.
Natwest MoneySense Criticised By Which?
Consumer group Which? has done an investigation into Natwest’s “impartial financial guidance” service, MoneySense, and has found that in many cases the advice given is far from impartial.
Dunfermline Building Society Bust: Money Safe
Dunfermline Building Society, Scotland’s largest building society, which has been struggling to keep running in the past few weeks, has finally gone bust today.
Although the Dunfermline are yet to update their website with any details of how this will affect its customers, the Government seems to be indicating that savers with up to £50,000 will not lose any of their money.
£30,000 Spare? Let Banks Bid For Your Money
If you happen to have a minimum of £30,000 sloshing around earning a pitiful interest rate in the bank, then a new service might find you a better return.