Money Watch – Personal Finance Blog

Cancelling Your Orange Contract

Phone call!

Bitterwallet has been on something of a crusade over the last couple of weeks concerned with the inconsistencies and misinformation surrounding changes to their call charges and cancelling your mobile phone contract with Orange.

Over a series of posts and with help from their readers, they found out some rather interesting information which provided a useful reference for those wishing to worm their way out of their Orange contracts.

Eventually, they actually managed force Orange into a u-turn over some of their new call charges (which was actually the trigger for you being able to cancel your contract).

Details of the u-turn are here, along with an official statement from Orange, and here are some of the posts in the run-up to the u-turn:

Bitterwallet have now turned their sights onto Virgin Mobile. Watch out Branson!

photo credit: Sarah G…

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