I’d like to start this article on a positive note and Scottish Widows has given me just the opening. According to the BBC, a Scottish Widows survey of nearly 6,000 showed that, on average, people think they need £30,000 a year to live comfortably in retirement.
Tag: Debt
Motley Fool: This Massive Rip-off Needs Killing Off!
Since I first started writing for The Motley Fool in January 2003, I’ve criticised rip-off payment protection insurance (PPI) over five hundred times. (Payment protection insurance meets the repayments on a credit card, loan or mortgage if you are unable to work due to accident, sickness or unemployment, and pays off your debt if you die.)
Motley Fool: Money Talk: Get Out Of Debt
David Kuo, Stuart Watson and Neil Faulkner talk about why so many us are in debt in these days and what we can do to solve our debt problems.
This Is Money: Bleak Future For The ‘IPOD Generation’
Today’s under 35s risk becoming IPODs – Insecure, Pressured, Overtaxed and Debt-ridden – a new report warns today.
MoneyExpert: More Than One In Four Pensioners Happy To Carry Debts To Their Grave
More than a quarter of all pensioners say that they are counting on death to catch up with them faster than their bank managers.
MoneyExpert: Debt Free Direct Profit Explosion Raises Iva Anxiety
Insolvency advisor Debt Free Direct has highlighted the ongoing burden of debt in the UK with a prediction that it will beat profit forecasts by more than ten per cent this year.
MoneyExpert: Debt Now Main Incentive To Abandon University Says Survey
Half of all students who abandon their university programme before sitting their final exams now say that high levels of debt are their main motivation, says new research.
This Is Money: Debt Firm Boosted By Borrowers’ Woes
Debt firm ClearDebt has cashed in on ‘phenomenal’ rise in the number of people unable to pay off loans and credit card bills
Read the full article at ThisIsMoney.com
This Is Money: First-time Buyers In Record Debt
First-time home buyers are risking financial meltdown by taking on record loans averaging £110,500
Motley Fool: A Cash-Rich Grower
I like cash-rich companies — especially if they’re profitable. A cash cushion means the company shouldn’t be overwhelmed by debt in the near future, and it also reduces the chances of a dilutive share issue at a bargain price.