Having helped to fuel the biggest borrowing binge in history, British banks are becoming increasingly nervous about lending to individuals.
Tag: Debt
Motley Fool: The Rise Of The County Court Judgment
In the last year more than three quarters of a million County Court Judgments have been registered in England and Wales – the first rise in 15 years and a clear indication that lenders are clearly getting tougher on the rising number of people with debt problems.
Motley Fool: Why You Shouldn’t Invest Now
I reckon this market is a buy. But not everybody agrees. Some say you shouldn’t invest now because:
Motley Fool: Make Your Child A Money Expert
Imagine your children being taught basic finance skills such as household budgeting, debt management and balancing chequebooks. Top that with the vitally important understanding of compound interest and other investment principles and you’d feel your kids were equipped to manage their finances in the real world, wouldn’t you?
Family Finance: Credit Union €� Light In The Darkness Of Debt Problems
In our present consumer driven society, problem debts give many people sleepless nights. Worrying day after day about whether you will be able to meet your commitments is no way to ensure a peaceful life.
Motley Fool: The Credit Card Safety Guide
How on Earth does anyone manage to get nearly 60 credit cards? The rate tarts amongst you would love to know, so that you can get more cards and better deals. If you find out, you hopefully won’t decide to max out all 57 cards to reach £412,000-worth of debt, as one man did according to the Consumer Credit Counselling Service.
MoneyExpert: Unloved And Unused: Millions Of Credit Cards Languish
Millions of adults in the UK are lumbering their wallets with plastic that never gets used, said a Morgan Stanley survey.
MoneyExpert: Government Accused Of Debt Complacency
The government has been accused of complacency over rising levels of personal insolvency after a report claimed that Whitehall was “making progress” in fighting debt.
Motley Fool: Students! Don’t Bank On Bankruptcy
School leavers about to go off to university appear to have mugged up on the bankruptcy laws before they’ve even arrived on campus. I’m not sure if I sympathise with them or whether I find it rather cheeky! According to the latest survey of soon-to-be students, the credit reference agency, Equifax, found that 11% of […]
MoneyExpert: Britons Admit To Failing On Savings
Almost three quarters of Britons, or 72 per cent, say that they are failing to save enough cash for the future, a new IFA Promotion poll has shown.