Keeping track of your finances can be difficult and time consuming. There are loads of expense tracking apps available which can help though, and a new app, aims to stand out from the crowd thanks to the ease at which it lets you add expenses.
Blinq is a “design driven” expense tracker primarily made for the iPhone, but there is also an Apple Watch companion app. It lets you track your expenses, and then analyse your spending patterns at the end of each month. It’s designed to be efficient and effortless to use - aiming to be the perfect solution for either busy or lazy people.
The app doesn’t connect to your accounts – whilst account aggregation/integration might be focus of other expense tracking apps, Blinq sees it differently; by having to enter each transaction manually, you’re forced to think about each purchase. As there’s no account integration, there’s no security issues. Indeed, you don’t even have to register for the app, but your data can be stored in your iCloud drive.
Here’s a look at Blinq in action:
Blinq is available for £1.49 via iTunes. There doesn’t appear to be any plans for an Android version of the app.