MoneyExpert: Credit Card Debt ‘a Turn-off’

New reports indicate that credit card debt, overdrafts, and accounts in the red are a turn-off for prospective partners, with a large percentage of people more likely to get into a relationship with sensible savers.

According to a survey conducted by Yorkshire Building Society (YBS) a strong savings ethic is an attractive quality in long-term partners. Out of over 1,600 surveyed, 60 per cent of all women would rather be with a man with no debt.

Over 40 per cent agree it would be better to date a man with savings in the bank, while over 95 per cent would not want to be in a relationship with someone who was not financially sensible.

“It seems money really can buy you love as today’s singles search for a saving-smart superhero to settle down with,” comments YBS media relations manager Tanya Jackson, continuing to state that most women are drawn towards sensitive spenders rather than high rollers.

Credit card holders may soon have to shop around for the best rate after PricewaterhouseCoopers announced annual fees could be introduced to make up for industry deficits of £1 billion.

This article: © Moneyexpert Ltd.

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