Make Money From Ryanair


If you’ve ever flown with Ryanair, you’ll be very aware of all the extra charges that they cunningly manage to hide behind their headline prices.

A good example – we’ve recently booked a trip to Dublin, and our 1p flights have cost us closer to £80 in the end. And of course we’ll probably be landing half way across the other side of Ireland.

Anyway, probably for a limited time you have the opportunity to make some money back from Ryanair, thanks to the way that they deal with different currencies on their flights:

Ryanair is currently charging the same prices whether in Euro or British Pounds for its in-flight beverages. Nothing wrong with that – the two currencies have hovered close to another for a while now. However, cabin crew will also give the change back in any currency – if you ask. So, for example, buy a £3/€3 coffee and then pay for it with a €50 note. Then request that the change of €47 in British Sterling. £47 currently converts to around €54 – so that’s a free coffee AND 4 Euro in your pocket.

As we say, you’ll have to get in quick, as this little loophole is likely to be shut pretty quickly once Ryanair realise they’re getting wads of €50 notes and running out of Sterling on every flight.

If you try it out, let us know if it works in the comments below.

Via Bitterwallet, via, via Travolution.

Creative Commons License photo credit: scot_w_9

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