Don’t Let DIY Disasters Cost You A Packet

DIY disasters

Hands up who will be going to your local DIY store this bank holiday weekend, forced by the wife/girlfriend/partner to finally lay down that laminate flooring you’ve been promising to fit for the past 6 years?

You’re not alone. Apparently, over a third of Brits will spend their Bank holiday weekend battling with a DIY project.

But whilst your wife/girlfriend/partner might think that you’ll be saving money by doing-it-yourself, it could in fact be a false economy, as a recent survey by Kensington Financial Management Consultants found out.

Their research found that we’ll spend a staggering £1.5billion putting right our DIY disasters. And it’s not just your wallet that can suffer – 250,000 people are injured doing DIY each year, so your health might suffer too.

Our advice: convince the wife to get a man in, or at least get a DIY-competent friend to help out, then sit back with a beer and watch the rain hammer down over the Bank holiday weekend.

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