Money Saving Expert Round-Up

Martin Lewis is proclaimed as the U.K.’s only Money Saving Expert – his site has a vast array of information and tips as to how you can save money in many areas. I recommend taking a browse through the site and the forums, and I also intend to post regular round-ups pointing to the most interesting information.

Money Saving Expert round-up:

  • Cheapest Share Dealing Accounts
    If you’re anything like me and only rarely deal in shares and also only invest a small amount at a time, you’ll need to find a share dealing account where the charges are low – otherwise your shares will have along way to climb before even wiping out the charges. You’ll also find a useful link to a MoneySupermarket tool to allow you to compare several share dealing firms at once.
  • Transfering your Cash ISA
    I have to say that I didn’t realise that you could transfer your Cash ISAs to a different account (in the same way that you can transfer Equity ISA into better performing funds). Find some of the best deals to rejuvenate your previous year’s allowances.
  • What to do with your Child Trust Fund voucher
    The government has been talking up the Child Trust fund, but many people seem baffled as to what to do with them. Here’s a few ideas.

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