Money Links For 24th Aug 2006

  • Woolwich reveal house survey worries
    Many buyers admit that they will pull out of a property purchase if the survey shows problems, according to the Woolwich.
  • Norwich Union: Neighbours provide insurance security
    Norwich Union Insurance has raised concerns that many Brits are failing to get to know their neighbours despite the numerous benefits associated with having a good neighbour.
  • CreditExpert warn against credit ignorance
    The online credit monitoring service CreditExpert is warning consumers not to ignore potential credit rating problems.
  • Paragon Mortgages predict upbeat landlords
    Landlords are optimistic that rental yields will remain strong and many property investors are keen to expand their portfolios, according to new data from Paragon Mortgages.
  • Abbey: First-time buyers need parents
    Many first-time buyers automatically assume they will need help from their parents to help them step on to the property ladder, claims Abbey.
  • Lenders extend interest-free credit periods
    It is a rare thing in the current climate for lenders to make their offers more generous. But several banks have recently extended deals on credit card balance transfers.
  • Ignore the freebies for a good financial education
    With the start of the next academic year approaching, many new students will be preparing for life away from home – a life likely to be based on record levels of borrowing.
  • Borrowers hit after interest base rate rise
    The Bank of England brought unwelcome news for borrowers this week as it raised base interest rates for the first time in two years.
  • Moves to quit final salary schemes
    High-profile collapses of final salary pension schemes and reports about rising deficits are prompting thousands of people to transfer out of final salary pensions from former employers to safeguard retirement assets against a possible collapse of the co
  • Tax threat over lifetime pensions allowance
    Pension administrators could start deducting tax directly from people’s retirement funds to pay to HM Revenue & Customs if they are unable to contact investors.
  • Let your agents do the legwork
    When it comes to buying houses it can take weeks of traipsing around dozens of unsuit­able properties to find the one you like. If you want to stay one step ahead of the game, however, there are people who will do the work for you.
  • Fixing a fair fee for finance advice
    Figuring out whether the fees and commissions your independent financial adviser charges are fair can be difficult. Are the charges you are paying to invest in an annuity or unit trust appropriate? Could you find a more appealing deal?
  • Standard opens door to more changes
    Modifying funds to meet new regulations.
  • Government threat to restrict the alternatives
    The Treasury has thrown the pensions market into confusion by appearing to threaten the future of a valuable tax break for older people introduced in April.
  • Providers call for better deal on pension transfers
    Pension providers are calling for the government to give a better deal to pension fund members who transfer out of final salary schemes when new regulations come into force next year.
  • Make sure your cover prepares for the worst
    The vast majority of the thousands of travellers who were delayed by the security clampdown at UK airports to foil an alleged terrorist plot will not receive a penny in compensation because of terrorist exclusion clauses in their travel policies.
  • Older borrowers wise up on securing finance
    Many of us will have to work extra years, and take our pensions later, to accommodate rising life expectancy. But for those looking to move up the property ladder later in life, most mortgage lenders are failing to keep up.
  • Hedge funds have not done what it says on the tin
    Hedge funds are frequently promoted as offering positive returns regardless of conditions in the markets. But the recent performance of funds of hedge funds, which offer the additional security of investing across a range of underlying funds, has cast dou
  • Tax inspectors seek power to search and arrest evaders
    HM Revenue & Customs is pushing for new powers to make arrests, take fingerprints and execute wider search warrants without the police as part of a government clampdown on tax avoidance.
  • Sound buildings will survive the rate tremors
    Property has been an excellent investment for the past decade but this month’s quarter percentage point rise in the bank base rate is expected to put a brake on the sector’s already slowing momentum.

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