Motley Fool: Red Hot Trackers

It’s the moment that many investors have been waiting for — an easy way to invest in the red hot commodities market without trading futures or taking physical delivery. That’s because ETF Securities is about to launch 19 Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) in September that will allow commodity fans to invest in a range of products that span aluminium to zinc, and lean hogs to live cattle. It is also launching 10 separate baskets of commodities trackers that will group together products such as agriculture, energy, livestock and precious metals.

The man behind the scheme is Graham Tuckwell, who was responsible for bringing Gold Bullion Securities (LSE: GBS) to market in 2003. Through the fund investors can buy gold without actually taking physical delivery of the yellow metal. Tuckwell was also responsible for bringing Oil Securities (LSE: OILB) to market in 2005. This allows investors access to the oil market without having to store barrels of the black stuff….

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