Barack Obama has suggested that by getting everyone to maintain the correct tyre pressure in their cars, as well as keeping cars properly maintained, they could save as much oil as could be produced by expanding the offshore drilling, hopefully leading to a drop in petrol prices as a result.
Tag: Featured
Energy Prices: Fix, Switch Or Stick?
The jury is currently out on the action we should take about energy prices, as the cost of gas and electricity threaten to go through the roof.
Ask The Expert: Credit Cards
Although I take an active interest in personal finance, I’m far from what I’d call an expert on all money matters, so I thought I’d start to enlist the help of some more knowledgeable people in order to answer some questions I have.
In this first post in our new “ask the expert” series, I spoke to Lyndsey from and asked her a few questions about the credit card industry.
Poll: How Long Could You Live On Your Savings?
A report by the Yorkshire Building Society suggests that the average person’s savings would last them 52 if they lost their job. Monthly outgoings average £1,445 but on average we have £2,474 in accessible savings.
Our latest poll asks how long you could last on your savings?
10 Top Tips For A Successful Car Boot Sale
Whilst you might not think it from the weather, we’re now slap bang in the middle of car boot sale season, certainly for those enough who aren’t hardy enough to go during the winter months.
If you’re planning your trip to a car boot sale, here are ten tips to help you make the most of your items for sale.
8 Personal Finance Spreadsheets You’ll Love

Google has recently added several pre-made templates to Google Documents, its suite of online office tools. Amongst these templates there are some very useful spreadsheets which will help you with personal finance issues – this article features 8 of the best.
Would You Eat This To Save Money?
Should I ignore the way this mince meat looks and just cook it, or should I go on my instincts and resign myself to having to spend money on something else? What would you do? How far should we go to be frugal?
Are You Feeling The Crunch?
FreeMoneyFinance recently asked are you feeling any economic pain, so I thought I’d look at the same subject from a UK perspective, and poll Money Watch readers on whether you are feeling the effects of the credit crunch yet? When I say crunch here, I’m using the term loosely, as I’m referring to more than […]
Searching For A Good Mortgage Is Now Harder Than Ever
If you’d asked me a few months ago what the best way to get a new mortgage was, I’d have told you to find yourself an independent mortgage broker, and let them do the hard work for you. With the credit crunch hitting the mortgage market hard, lenders had been withdrawing mortgage rates left right […]
The Economic Naturalist: Book Review
I mentioned yesterday about my summer holiday reading, and that I’d picked up this book along with Tim Hardford’s The Undercover Economist. The Economic Naturalist by Robert H Frank aims to show how economics can be used to explain almost everything, and lecturer Frank uses questions submitted by his students as inspiration for the sections […]