So you’re about to go to university and you’re hunting around for a good student bank account. If you can get to grips with your finances right from the start, you won’t regret it in future years, as I’m sure many, many debt-laden post-grads could tell you. The less debt you have when you finish, the faster you can pay it off and start saving that deposit for a house.
Tag: Students
Scotsman: Students Pay Cost Of Poor Gadget Security
Students are being robbed of possessions worth £126 million a year, according to insurance group Churchill.
Motley Fool: Students! Don’t Bank On Bankruptcy
School leavers about to go off to university appear to have mugged up on the bankruptcy laws before they’ve even arrived on campus. I’m not sure if I sympathise with them or whether I find it rather cheeky! According to the latest survey of soon-to-be students, the credit reference agency, Equifax, found that 11% of […]
MoneyExpert: Students Plan For £15k Debt
Students about to enter their first year of university expect to pay £33,512 for a three year degree course, NatWest figures have shown, with £14,779 of that borrowed.
MoneyExpert: Parents & Children €’drastically’ Underestimating Uni Costs
With this year’s A-level results looming, many parents and their would-be student children are apprehensively looking ahead to the big day.
Family Finance: Student Loans – A Lonely Debt
Student life is usually gregarious, with plenty of like-minded company to relieve the possible tedium of study. However, when it comes to dealing with debt, each student has to sort out his own salvation.