MoneyExpert: Customers Urged To Give Up ‘passive Plastic’

Some 20 million credit card holders in the UK are using cards which offer no rewards, according to new research.

As part of National Giving Week, which runs from October 16th-22nd 2006, credit card holders are being urged to change from using “passive plastic” to a card that offers rewards and could also contribute to charity every time it is used.

The research from American Express found that although one in three consumers wanted to use the “power of their pocket” to help charity, 43 per cent were using a card which offered no incentive or reward at all.

If it was easier for them to give to charity, 12 per cent said they would do so. A total of 32 per cent said they would if they could spare extra cash, while ten per cent did not want to make a regular commitment to giving money.

“This research shows that many credit card holders still aren’t getting anything back for their spending, but by making a small change to their wallet, they could collectively make a big difference to good causes,” said Kate Harris, vice president of UK partnerships from American Express.

A number of credit card companies now offer cards on behalf of charities, such as the RSPCA credit card, the American Express Red card and the Cancer Research UK card.

This article: © Moneyexpert Ltd.

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