Money Resolutions for 2006

I thought I’d jump on the New Years’ Resolutions bandwagon and post my own money resolutions and musings for 2006, in no particular order:

  • Take control of pension – I’ve long forgotten the password to access my company pension details online, and have been meaning to get back in and see how it’s going for a while now, but never got round to it. I’m considering investing in some slightly more risky funds than I’m already in, given that it’s got plenty of years left to run, but want to check the performance of the 3 funds I’m already invested in before switching.
  • Make a will – ever since my daughter’s arrival, I’ve been meaning to get my will sorted. I have actually already done a bit of research into this. I’ve also got a couple of posts in my drafts about wills that I’ve been meaning to get finished for about 4 months.
  • Increase/reconsider “residual” income – I count the money that I make from my various web projects as “residual” income – i.e. extra to the wage I get paid at my fulltime job. Although it can add a nice little extra to my monthly earnings, I sometimes wonder whether the time I spend could be put to better use elsewhere.
  • Research financing options for new car – we’ll be looking for a new car in a few months time, so I will need to research the cheapest ways of doing this. The finance options provided by car dealers tend to be a bit of a rip-off, so maybe some sort of personal loan will be better? This might well be something I can write-up on this site.

Those are my resolutions – do you have any?

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