Saving for House Deposit

The BBC has posted some interesting statistics on the average length of time it takes first-time buyers to save for a deposit.

On average, it takes them (or perhaps that should be us in my case!) four years and nine months to save the average deposit amount of £7,653 (5% of the average house price). There is also a breakdown of the length of time it takes per region:

  • East of England – 5 years
  • London – 4 years 9 months
  • Wales – 4 years 6 months
  • Scotland – 4 years 6 months
  • West Midlands – 4 years 6 months
  • North East – 4 years 6 months
  • North West – 4 years 6 month
  • South East – 4 years 6 months
  • South West – 4 years 6 months
  • East Midlands – 4 years 3 months
  • Yorkshire – 4 years 3 months
  • Northern Ireland – 4 years

The figures were provided by National Savings and Investments, and make for quite scary reading for those of us still waiting to get our feet onto the property ladder.

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