Motley Fool: Stop Your Gas Bill From Rising 180%!

It’s not unreasonable for utility companies to charge more in winter and less in summer, or even to try to average it out. Neither practice is unusual. However, I’ve received a few emails about unfair seasonal increases to people’s gas and electricity direct debits, which means there are probably a lot more people out there who have the same problem every winter.

One lady was told that, despite being in credit, her direct debit would go up from £35 to £98 per month over winter. That’s a 180% increase. You have to wonder how fair it is that the utility providers take it upon themselves to predict your usage. A Foolish discussion-board user says of his seasonal hike that it: “Was not justified BECAUSE I AM ON A FIXED RATE DEAL”. Now you have to wonder whether these are deliberate tactics or merely incompetence….

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