Students of English: Save Money On Textbooks

Here’s a neat little tip courtesy of Lifehacker, which probably only really relates to students of English Literature, but might also be of use to those who like a good read too.

Project Gutenburg is a website which publishes ebooks (books in Adobe PDF format) of texts which are out of copyright.

For example, this is the download page for Emma by Jane Austin.

You can of course read the texts on screen, or, as PDFs are good for printing, get a hard copy too. You could also couple this with a book printing service such as Lulu, although I’m not sure how much cheaper this would be than buying the real book (cheapest I could find on Amazon was £5.20).

Project Gutenburg has works from a wide range of authors, such as William Shakespeare, James Joyce, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, Jules Verne and Lewis Carol, so there’s plenty of classics to choose from.

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