Calculators Added

I’ve just added a new section to the site which includes a few calculators that I’ve been working on recently. They were initially done for my benefit, so that I have easy access to simple calculations that I regularly use, but they may well be of use to others, so I thought I’d put them on the live site.

There are currently 3 calculators to choose from:

  • Mortgage Overpayment Calculator – this will show you how much you can save on your mortgage in terms of money and years if you are able to make overpayments to your mortgage.
  • Mortgage Repayment Calculator – a simple calculation to show how much either an interest-only or a capital & interest mortgage will cost per month, based on the mortgage value, interest rate and term.
  • Money Saving Calculator – again, another basic calculation. This one will show how much you can save over time, based on a regular saving amount (e.g. if I save £5 a day for 6 months, how much money will I save?). Not rocket science, but it might be useful nonetheless.

They all currently require Javascript to work, but I’m working on making them function on all browsers, with/without Javascript etc. If you come across any bugs or errors, please let me know by dropping me a line from my contact page.

I hope to add more calculators in the future. If there are other calculators that you think would be useful, let me know, and I may be able to come up with a solution.

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