Guide To Remortgaging

Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis has a free, 30-page guide to remortgaging (PDF, 646K) available for download.

If your mortgage is your single biggest expenditure, then cutting its cost is likely to be your biggest single MoneySaver.

The guide is completely independent (but produced in association with mortgage brokers London & Country) , and covers the following topics, amongst others:

  • Why should or shouldn’t you remortgage?
  • What type of mortgage you should look for
  • How to remortgage

If you want to save money on your mortgage payments, then it’s worth a read whether you’re moving house or not.

2 thoughts on “Guide To Remortgaging

  1. Note: The mortgage brokers involved are not “independent” and are not whole of market.

    When you receive a company’s terms of business it will tell you if it whole of market or tied.

    Remember your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments!

  2. Thanks Sean,

    Looking at their Key Facts documents suggests that they offer mortgages from the whole market, so I’m not sure.

    Either way, it’s obviously a good plug for them being associated with Martin Lewis, and it is a way for them to generate a few leads, but I respect Martin Lewis enough to believe there’s nothing more to it than that.

    By the way, the link to the guide on Martin’s site requires that you leave your details before downloading it. You could do that, you could leave false details, or you could simply download the guide directly from this link ;>)


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