Sort Your Finances With Money Makeovers

It’s been a while since I posted any money makeovers – personal finance case studies, largely from the national press – but I still think they can be really useful when you can apply the advice given in them to your own finances.

I’m going to try to make this a regular feature once again, and to get it going, here are 3 makeovers from The Independent (they call them Wealth Checks):

  1. Makeover 1: 38 and 35 year old parents with another child on the way, looking to cope with a large interest-only mortgage. The article looks at their property, savings, retirement and protection.
  2. Makeover 2: 26 year old woman from west London, with her boyfriend, looking to pay off £4,00 credit card debts and save for a wedding.
  3. Makeover 3: 28 year old from Manchester, hoping to get a foot on the property ladder whilst earning £15,000 a year.

I hope you find them useful.

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