Free Credit Report, that I mentioned a few days ago, is now live.

If you’re interested in finding out your credit rating, and keeping an eye that there’s nothing funny going on, then this service may be for you. You can already access your credit reports, but generally you have to pay a fee to see them. promises to provide you with a free credit report every year for as long as you agree to receive monthly emails directly from them.

Why are they doing this? Well, it seems that they are able to generate commission from the financial products they sell off the back of the reports.

The website does not really give a great indication of the type of report you can expect to receive unfortunately, and at the moment demand for the reports is being managed by restricting the reports to people in certain regions. Those is Cornwall have access first, and there is a provisional timetable for access to the reports for the rest of the country.

I’v registered for a report, and will let you know my findings when something is available.

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