BBC2 Drama: Freefall

Just finished watching Freefall on BBC2, a drama looking at 3 different sides to the credit crunch – from the point of view of  a dodgy mortgage broker, a family who overstretch themselves with their mortgage and a banker who watches his business fall apart.

Freefall is the first drama to tackle the extraordinary financial crisis we are living through. Helmed by multiple BAFTA-winning director Dominic Savage, the film takes a startling and provocative look at the events that caused our lives to spiral out of control. With pace, edge and real emotional punch, it gives a unique insight into how we came so perilously close to the edge.

It made for pretty uncomfortable watching, particularly as you see the family get sucked in to buying a house they clearly can’t afford, thanks to the greed of the mortgage broker, and then watch as their dream home turns into a nightmare following a mortgage rate rise.

It’s not a particularly enjoyable programme, indeed, the reaction to it on Twitter was very mixed, many found it depressing and unwatchable, others found it depressing but compulsive (whilst others were just waiting for the next appearance from Girls Aloud’s Sarah Harding). It certainly made me think – you can imagine there are many families around the country who have experienced the problems this family face – the letters from the lender, followed by the phone calls and eventually repossession of their home.

I won’t go into too much more detail so as not to spoil it if you haven’t seen it – UK viewers can see it on the BBC iPlayer for the next 7 days.

Did you watch Freefall? If so, let us know what you thought in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “BBC2 Drama: Freefall

  1. I left the mortgage industry in February 09 after having worked for a mortgage lender and this drama really resonated with me. People forget that there are some good guys who have been burnt and that it is not just about fat cat bankers.

  2. I watched it and found I couldn’t sleep after it because I was so stressed out. Completely compelling and awkward to watch. Anyone carefree about huge debts needs to watch it.

  3. I’ve just managed to see an old copy of this & despite the programme being over 3 years old, it still rings so true now. It certainly was eye-opening and scary at the same time. The damage that can be caused by poor financial decisions and bad luck is absolutely terrible

  4. I actually enjoyed the programming, after only just watching it I agree it does still ring true. Brutal honesty is usually hard to take but also in some way a great relief.

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