MoneyExpert: Average Adult Has Double Recommended Minimum Savings

The average adult in the UK has almost double the recommended minimum financial ‘safety net’ squirreled away in their bank accounts, according to Birmingham Midshires.

Enough savings to survive three months of incapacity, or £4,128, is recommended as a sensible minimum precaution, says the building society.

The average UK adult has £7,548 in the bank, enough to cover 167 days, or five months and 17 days, according to Birmingham Midshires calculations.

“It is encouraging to see that people are taking heed of this message and are actually saving double this amount,” said Jason Robinson of Birmingham Midshires.

He added that savers should ensure that they find the best savings account in order to maximise their nest egg.

“To see this grow even further it is very important to find the best rate of return on their hard earned savings,” said Mr Robinson.

Figures released by the building society showed that the average man has twice as much put away as the average woman, or £10,912 compared to £4,443 respectively.

Savers at either ends of the UK, in the south of England and Scotland, have the most put away, while savers in the north of England have the least.

This article: © Moneyexpert Ltd.

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