An Extreme Way To Ensure Your eBay Auction Gets Lots Of Attention

One car seller had an extreme way of ensuring his eBay auction got plenty of views – he included a revealing picture of himself in the photos of the item!

The item has, unsurprisingly, now been removed (by eBay or the bidder himself?), but The Register captured the offending photo whilst preserving the perve’s modesty:

eBay revealing photo

How embarassing! But this auctioneer got one thing right- he made his eBay listing stand out, ensuring plenty of visits and probably plenty of bids had the item not been withdrawn.

Be sure to read the comments on The Register for more laughs.

3 thoughts on “An Extreme Way To Ensure Your eBay Auction Gets Lots Of Attention

  1. Starting an ebay business has always been a haunting task for me but there are so many tools out there which makes it very easy to sell and make a tidy profit. Getting attention to the auction is quite hard these days but if you follow the right tactics you will succeed. Thank you for the great share.

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