Financial Planning Week 2010

Financial planning week

This week (22nd November – 28th November 2010) is Financial Planning Week, an initiative put together by the Institute of Financial Planning (IFP) to raise the importance of financial planning in the UK.

Financial Planning Week is a consumer education campaign which works to highlight how people can make a difference to their lives by taking some simple steps themselves to plan their finances and take control of their lives as a result.

On the Financial Planning Week website you can find top tips for sorting out your finances, a DIY financial planning guide, budget planners and calculators, debt planning tips, and saving and investment tips, amongst other useful information.

It’s a good starting place for those looking to get a grip on their money, especially in the run-up to Christmas. Despite the recession, it appears that less and less of us are taking the time to identify our financial priorities, let alone planning to do anything about meeting these priorities.

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