easyCar.com Car Club: Make Money From Your Car?

easyCar Car Club

Stelios, the entrepreneur behind budget airline easyJet, and Brent Hoberman of Lastminute.com, are behind a new venture which will allow you to rent out your car to make money.

easyCar.com Car Club is due to launch in London in January 2012, and aims to be cheaper and more convenient method of renting a car than by using traditional car rental companies, whilst also offering those with a car that doesn’tget much use the chance to make some money renting their car out.

If you are looking to rent a car, you could be renting your neighbour’s car, rather than one from a car rental company. If you own a car that you are not using that much, become a member of our Car Club and make money from your car being rented to other members of our community!

According to the Guardian, car owners will be able to set their own prices, and the renters will be able to book rentals, often of their neighbours cars, using smartphone apps. Insurance will be provided by easyCar.

This feels like another idea which works on paper, but in practice could be fraught with difficulties. For example, what happens when you smash up your neighbours car in an accident? Not going to be good for neighbourly relations, is it?

If you’re interested in finding out more details when the service launches, easyCar.com are currently gathering signups on their website.

A similar service by Whipcar has been running for about 18 months. If you’ve any experience of renting cars in this way, or of renting out your car, share your thoughts on these services in the comments, below.



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