75 Petrol Saving Tips

You may have noticed that I’m pretty obsessed with petrol prices and efficiency recently – so this post on 75 gas saving tips naturally caught my eye. The interesting thing about this post is that along with the normal tips about not driving aggressively and discussion on whether air conditioning or opening windows is more […]

Help The Planet & Your Wallet

You may have noticed that today is Earth Day – “intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.” Whilst I do what I can to be green, I don’t particularly go out of my way to save the planet, which is something I’m a little ashamed of. But going green needn’t be […]

Budget 2008: Are You Any Better Off?

This year’s budget wasn’t the most exciting, but in the current financial climate, you could hardly expect it to be. With businesses and consumers finding borrowing more and more difficult, as banks reduce their lending following the credit crunch, and as the cost of electricity, gas, petrol and food continue to rise, we’re all finding […]