Last week it was reported that many credit card providers have been increasing their charges recently, as they look to find new and “innovative” ways of making money from their customers. Whilst many of the bigger fees are hidden away, it is possible to do somehting to avoid them. The Telegraph has published their top […]
Tag: Tips
Sort Your Finances With Money Makeovers
It’s been a while since I posted any money makeovers – personal finance case studies, largely from the national press – but I still think they can be really useful when you can apply the advice given in them to your own finances. I’m going to try to make this a regular feature once again, […]
Bonfire Night Insurance Tips
I guess it’s kind of sad writing about the need for insurance on bonfire night, but you can’t be too careful about things like this these days, and bonfire night has been shown to be the second worst day for fire damage (next to Christmas day!) and the worst for damage to cars. If you […]
Top Money Saving Websites
The Guardian recently published a list of their ten best money saving sites, which in my opinion missed out some of the most obvious sites to visit, as well as featuring some that I had quite frankly never heard of. In any case, this got me thinking about my own list of top sites to […]
Shopping: How To Save Money & Improve Your Health
A recent survey by the Alliance & Leicester said that millions of us Britons are paying too much for our basic goods when we go shopping. 62% of us do not shop around when we buy items such as bread and milk, but if like me, you like to avoid the aisles and do your […]
Should You Build That House Extension?
Home improvements are often thought of as a way to add value to your house, but the amount of value can vary depending on what type of improvement you make. The Fool reports on a few surveys which will give you an idea of which home improvements add the most value. The two surveys quoted […]
More On Tracking Your Spending
In a post yesterday I said how one of the first steps to being able to save money was to closely monitor your spending. I’ve just read a post over at FreeMoneyFinance which looks at this subject and discusses how by tracking your spending you can budget and fix your cashflow. The process they propose […]
Tracking Your Spending: The First Step To Saving Money
As you may have read in some previous posts, I’ve been trying to knuckle down to track all of my spending for at least a month. The reason for this effort? So that I can identify where my money is being spent, and identify where money can be saved. The tool I’ve been using on […]
How Much Should You Have In Your Emergency Fund?
Back in April I reported on a survey which suggested that 80% of us do not have enough to live on if we were to lose our jobs. Having an emergency fund is an important part of financial planning – especially for those who do not have much to save. There’s a good post at […]
Top Tips To Prevent Identity Fraud
We’re nearing the end of Identity Fraud Prevention week, and hopefully my earlier post gave you some ideas about how identity fraud can happen. Now it’s time to look at some tips for reducing the chances that you become a victim of identity theft, plus keep reading for a chance to win a free credit […]