Big Changes Ahead

I don’t like to go too off topic, but this is something I feel I should mention.

In the course of one week, my life has been turned on it’s head. This time last week I was single, living at home and generally wondering where I was going with my life. Now, I am an expectant father, looking to rent a house (I’d better re-visit my buying vs renting post) with my ex-ex-girlfriend, to try and do what we think will be best for a 2 year old and a new-born baby.

It’s all very scary and exciting.

What will it mean for this site? Well, firstly, I hope to keep working on all my other sites – I’ve had high hopes for them for a while, but never had the motivation to really keep pushing them on – hopefully now that will change (with the incentive of bringing in some more money if possible), despite the promised busy days and sleepless nights ahead.

It will also be even more important that I stay on top of my own personal finances – I’ve generally steered clear of money-saving ideas on the site so far, yet I suspect these will now start to creep in more. I also hope that the situation that I am now in will provide me with great experience for writing, new topics, and that it will be useful to share this information with those in similar positions. I know too that with the extra responsibilities I now face, I’m going to have to start taking some of my own advice about things like life insurance.

So I hope you keep reading and that you can take something useful away from here. It’s going to be an exciting ride from now on.

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