Money Links For 9th Nov 2006

  • Fraud is ‘worse’ in reality than the web
    Real-life fraud is a more common occurrence than that which occurs in cyberspace, according to new research undertaken by PayPal.
  • Norwich Union Global Property Fund introduced
    Norwich Union Global Property Fund has been launched in a bid to give its customers the chance to invest in property in North America, Asia, Australasia and Europe.
  • Sainsbury’s Bank: Billions spent on second-hand cars
    26 billion will be spent by next February.
  • Card fraud down in 2006
    There has been encouraging news regarding card fraud in the UK as new research shows that instances have fallen five per cent during the first six months of this year compared with the same time period in 2005.
  • More Than DriveTime ‘increases road safety’
    The risk of young drivers being involved in a car accident doubles during the night, according to insurance company More Than.
  • Leicester notes borrowing slowdown
    Consumer borrowing is slowing down, according to one of the country’s biggest lenders.
  • SMEs reminded of Christmas cost by Lloyds TSB Business Insurance
    Lloyds TSB Business Insurance is reminding small firms to make an accurate assessment of the impact of the festive season on their dealings.
  • Nationwide Loyalty Fixed Rate Bond to replace old deal
    A new Nationwide Loyalty Fixed Rate Bond will be available from tomorrow as some of the provider’s old deals are withdrawn from the market.
  • HBOS 125 per cent mortgage to be launched
    HBOS is set to introduce a 125 per cent mortgage – that means the product is worth a quarter more than the house value.
  • Family home is where the heart is
  • Savings raided to pay for hols
    It appears that Britons are seeking sunnier climes as a tonic to winter blues, according to new research by Birmingham Midshires.
  • Bank charge complaints rise
    Record levels of complaints regarding bank charges have been received by the Financial Ombudsman Service says the independent settler of financial disputes.
  • 52-year Mortgage on offer
    Mortgages are being offered for a term of at least 40 years by some lenders but Tesco personal finance offers the longest term at 52 years according to Money Expert.
  • Spending less as bills increase
    Customers are being forced to alter their spending habits in a bid to address an increase in household bills such as water and energy, according to CreditExpert’s Personal Credit Index.
  • Video banking pilot launched by first direct
    In collaboration with mobile phone network 3, first direct is set to become the first UK bank to offer video banking to its customers.
  • House prices on the rise says Halifax
    House prices in the UK rose to their highest levels in six months, a scenario attributed to demand outstripping supply and a strong economy, according to the latest Halifax House Price Index.
  • Parents helping kids with house cost
    The bank of mum and dad is very much still open for business as new research has shown that four million UK parents are part-funding their children’s house moves.
  • AA raises interest on savings
    Following the Bank of England’s decision to raise the Base Rate by 0.25 per cent to five per cent, the AA has announced its intention to reward its savers with a similar rise in interest rates.
  • Interest rise on Post Office Instant Saver
    The Post Office Instant Saver account is to have an interest rate rise of a quarter of a per cent in accordance with the rise of the Bank of England’s base rate announced today.
  • First-time buyers urged to protect their money
    The Post Office has warned first-time buyers that they are taking a risk by not taking out an insurance policy to cover their mortgage payments should they become unable to meet their charges.
  • Cash release schemes may make comeback
    Home reversion plans, which used to be a popular way for homeowners to release cash from their property, could be set for a comeback as formal regulation of these schemes next April is likely to give them some much-needed respectability.
  • Bad habits can lead to a healthy income
    Healthy individuals face shrinking pension incomes as the increased popularity of enhanced annuities, which offer better deals to people likely to die younger, is piling further pressure on to already low standard rates.
  • UK managers follow US model to offer high returns
    There is a type of equity fund that is hugely popular in the US but has yet to take off in a big way in the UK. Known as a covered call fund, it combinestraditional equity investments with derivatives to generate higher levels of income.
  • Investors go in one door and out the other
    Savvy institutional investors are pulling out of the UK commercial property market in droves just as record numbers of private investors are piling in.
  • Buyers flock to spread the cost of a home loan
    More and more first-time buyers are willing to shelve their differences and share their living space for a more affordable step on to the property ladder. According to lenders, record numbers of 20 and 30-somethings are pooling their funds and taking out
  • Buffett ends sleepless nights for many Names
    Warren Buffett’s offer to absolve Lloyd’s Names from future potential liabilities should put an end to decades of uncertainty for many of the 34,000 Names, not least in their inheritance tax planning.
  • Unpopular performers cry out for an invitation to the ball
    Are UK small-caps the Cinderella sector of investment trusts? Like the fairy tale heroine, they have attractive qualities but are suffering from unpopularity.
  • How to make a big hit in one tax year
    The new pension rules significantly lifted the bar on contribution thresholds. But a small group of high-flying executives and City workers are taking advantage of a loophole that allows them to pay even more into their schemes, at least for one tax year.
  • Alternative routes when Treasury splits heirs
    The Treasury’s threatened clamp-down on Alternatively Secured Pensions is leading to a search by pensions savers and their advisers for other ways of obtaining comparable tax breaks.
  • Treasury may heed calls to raise ISA investing limit
    Investors saving through Individual Savings Accounts (Isas) would be able to put in much larger sums of money than presently allowed, if industry proposals are taken up by the Treasury.
  • Negative equity holds no fear for many
    Graduates and young professionals are increasingly taking out mortgages in excess of the value of their property so they can get on to the housing ladder without having to pay the deposit or moving costs from their own pockets.
  • Shanghai proves alluring for buy-to-let investors
    A scheme which offers the opportunity to invest in Shanghai has attracted the attention of hundreds of City bankers, analysts and traders.
  • Reduced tax perks puncture investor demand
    The season to invest in new shares of venture capital trusts is almost upon us. However, demand for these tax-privileged investment funds is likely to slump this winter because of a reduction in their tax perks, a survey by a top tax advisory group indica
  • Social forces change the very fabric of house market
    Bubbling below the financial credentials of a buoyant economy are a wealth of social and demographic factors which are also providing significant support for house prices.
  • Parents will be able to roll Child Trust Funds into Isas
    Parents will be able to start building up Individual Savings Accounts (Isas) for their children from birth following an announcement by the government this week that it will soon be possible to roll Child Trust Fund accounts into Isas.

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