Month-By-Month Financial Planner

Here’s a good idea from the Telegraph, a month-by-month financial planner, showing the most important events in finance for 2006. Here are some of the highlights:


Make sure your tax return is done by 31st January, else you’ll be liable for a £100 fine, plus interest on anything you owe the tax man!


Any tax still owed for the 2004-05 year remaining unpaid after February 28 will attract a 5% surcharge.


The end of the tax year comes on 5th April, so if you have some spare money around to invest and you haven’t already used your ISA allowance, make sure you do before this date, else you lose your allowance for 2005/2006.

April also sees the introduction of new pensions rules, and with it comes greater access to tax-free cash lump sums.


September sees the deadline for returning your tax forms if you wish the Inland Revenue to calculate your tax bill for you.


Christmas comes round once again, and with it comes the usual spending spree. Why not plan your spending a few months ahead, and buy on credit cards (sensibly!), to give you greater protection under the Consumer Credit Act?

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