Devils Advocate: Why I Want Bank Charges Court Case To Fail

This is the first in a series of posts titled “Devils Advocate”, in which I look at a personal finance issue from a slightly different angle that I would normally. I thought it might be interesting to see whether it prompts any sort of debate. Best read with a pinch of salt.

So, this reclaiming bank charge nonsense is really starting to drag on. In particular, the case of Tom Brennan vs Natwest, seen as a test case that would possibly mean the floodgates for claims would really open, and that banks would be forced to justify their charges has stretched on and on, has stretched on and on, and we are now awaiting for the judge to decide when he can be bothered to leave the golf course and actually make a judgement.

To be honest, I’m past caring now. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I want Natwest to win the case. After all, I’ve never gone over my overdraft, or had a cheque or direct debit bounce, so I’ve never incurred either lawful or unlawful charges. But I’ll probably end up having to pay some sort of monthly or annual charge for my day-to-day banking, just because other people can’t manage their finances properly.

And while were on the subject of bank charges, the over-enthusiastic campaigning of the self-styled “Money Saving Expert” Martin Lewis is really starting to get on my nerves. It seems like every week he’s popping up on Tonight with Trevor McDonald or some other sensationalist TV programme with the same old basic advice to have a moan at your bank and they’ll cave in. Despite claiming to give consumers revenge over the companies that have screwed them for so long, his cheap looking website is merely a cleverly disguised way of generating income from affiliate schemes. I bet he’s rubbing his hands at the fact that the bank court cases are taking so long to get sorted out, as it just means that he can repeat the same old rubbish and keep his name in the press.

5 thoughts on “Devils Advocate: Why I Want Bank Charges Court Case To Fail

  1. Such a good point. I really don’t want to pay for my banking.

    I’ve had one case where I was charged 30 pounds for 20 pence overdraft. I talked to the bank manager, threatened to take my business elsewhere and got my money back… it doesn’t have to be all difficult!

  2. From my point of view, you are the one trying to rip people off by having a database of peoples emails and website. Your comments are a load of nonsence and as you say, you just don’t care.
    You can’t compare yourself to even 20% of what martin lewis is doing. To be honest, you make me feel sick.

  3. Hi Edna,

    I’m not too sure what I’ve done to prompt that sort of response, I hope you’re perhaps mistaking me for someone else.

    I do not send spam emails, purely weekly updates for those who sign up, and who can unsubscribe at any time.

    I also wouldn’t dare compare myself to Martin Lewis – this post was written with my tongue firmly in cheek, as I thought it might be good to look at this particular issue from a different perspective. I actually think that he’s doing a lot of good educating people about personal finance.

    If I’ve done anything in particular to annoy you, then please let me know either in the comments here or using the contact form:


  4. Thanks for the comment Matt. I’ve had bank charges, and it’s not something I particularly like. This post was meant to stir up a bit of interest, and to look at something from a different point of view – looks like it might have worked.

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