Football Club Chooses Charity Over Money-Making Shirt Sponsor

Slightly off topic post here, but I’ve just read that Aston Villa Football Club have decided to promote a local charity on the front of their shirt rather than selling the space to a corporate sponsor.

For the next season, they’ve given the Birmingham children’s charity Acorns the prime space on their shirts.

Conscious of ticket prices and fan expectation we are constantly benchmarking ourselves both regionally and nationally. What’s more, we are aware that new stadia are driving-up expectations for match-day hospitality and again we are striving to react with one eye on tradition and the other on progress. We regard this partnership as more important and more valuable than any commercial opportunity presented to us.

In these days of mass commercialism, and football clubs seemingly wanting to squeeze their fans for as much money as possible, it’s good to see clubs putting something back into the community. Well done the Villa! (Don’t worry, I still love you WWFC).

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